Hello Again!
Once again, the CT Joes met to create a diorama. This time, the
plans were for a German V1 Complex. However, some Freuleins from
the German USO showed up and put on a show for the troops. A fun
time was had by all!
Dave Michalczyk supplied the necessary
spot for our diorama. We met on Saturday, October 23, 1999 at
noon and had a helluva time! There were five of us plus a long
distance arrivavle from NY, Fred Richter. Here's a photo of us:

From left to right:
Dave Feliu, Dave Michalczyk, John Bailey, John Kozin, Fred Richter and
Bill Dufour
About mid afternoon we broke for a great
lunch. Burgers, dogs, chicken, various salads and some
reaalllllly good donuts for desert (Thanks Fred!)
The troops enjoyed the show and were
soon overrun by a group of Allied troops and Resistance Fighters that
destroyed the complex. A few American troops were injured, but
almost all Germans were routed.
Because of the earlier fall of the sun,
we wound up playing till after nightfall! Just like when we were
kids and the parental units flashed the front porch light for us to
come in! :)
Thanks for taking a look at the pics.
There's a few that aren't perfect, but as soon as better scans can be
done, they'll get replaced. We hope that you get as much of a
laugh outta them as we did.
